Episode #9: Jennifer Walinga

February 1, 2023

1:00:52 minutes


“The real leading factor are the core values of commitment to each other and discipline and a culture of respect, of authenticity really sharing who you are, being who you are, but also managing and respecting the diversity of the group. And that was central to our philosophy that no one person is more important than another. And that’s just shaped my whole theory around leadership.” – Dr. Jennifer Walinga

If you are here to learn about leadership, teamwork and success from the inside out, then you are in the right place. Dr. Jennifer Walinga is all about safe spaces in sport, work and life. She’s an Olympic gold medalist and world champion in the sport of rowing. She’s a professor at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC and runs a consulting firm called Integrated Focus and she is thrilled to have a chance to share her story and all that she has learned along the way. 

Enjoy the listen thanks to Pinnacle. Your recruitment firm that has been proudly on the job for the past 20 years.

“The leader is the values.  It is not a person.”