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Episode #2: Janine Stephens

July 21, 2020

48:51 minutes


Janine planned on playing basketball at the University of Manitoba, but a chance meeting at a Karate class in the summer of 2000 changed all that when someone suggested she try rowing. After a rough few days that included a few bruises and some unplanned swimming when her boat flipped, Janine found her rhythm and made the 2001 Canada Games team for Manitoba on her way an 8th place finish at the Olympics in 2008 and an Olympic silver medal in 2012.

In her interview Janine tells us that she was never the strongest or the tallest or the post powerful, but that she could feel the boat and she was good at talking! Her strength was her positive attitude and her ability to make the boat go fast, regardless of who was in it. From others we hear that Janine was the heart of her teams, the voice that united them and the positive attitude that prevailed.

Now a full-time coach and mom of twin girls, Janine continues to impact the performance of athletes through her role as the provincial rowing coach for Manitoba. Please join us to hear Janine’s story as we uncover the Heroes in our Midst.

“Don’t make your goal to make the Olympic boat, make your goal to be the best person and make that Olympic boat the fastest it can be. I wanted to be the best bow seat in the world.”